A.G.M. 2010-2011 Page 2

Published on by St Philomena's


Message from the Director

Perhaps the greatest challenge we face as NGO’s in today’s economic climate, is the inability to access much needed funding as a result of companies and funding agencies restructuring their CSI portfolios because of the impact of the economic downturn.

Another factor would be the emergence of so many NGO’s who seek to address the lack of social welfare and social development services by the government. As the powers that be renege on their promises to deliver basic services to the majority, the plight of the majority increases and the attempt to intervene by NGO’s such as ours, becomes all the more difficult and challenging.

 Perhaps the day shall come when those to whom the people have given the mandate to use our resources to alleviate the plight of the poor and vulnerable, will realise that it is vital and wise to form structured partnerships with credible NGO’s, who have the resources to effectively deliver on mandates given to them. Perhaps, the government will realise that forming such structural and financial partnerships is the answer.

Despite the lack of sufficient funding, good work continues to be done at St. Philomena’s.In 2010 we were involved with 5 projects, viz; The Youth Desk, The Community Child Development Project, The IT Academy, The Preschool and Saints Hospitality. Each of these projects continues to attend to an important need within the community and the successes and challenges will be elaborated on in the reports to follow. Last year, I announced the positive developments towards the opening of the “Child and Youth Care Centre”, commonly known as the “Children’s Home”.

This year I am happy to announce that since the 1st February 2011 we have opened. Although it does not fall under the period of review for the purposes of this AGM, I have given a report to date on this project.It is by the Grace of God that we are able to continue, day after day, year after year, doing the work we do.

We are determined to push forward, against all odds, to reach out, form a strong partnership and strengthen our resolve to attend to the vulnerable and needy. We will continue to seek ways to develop the skills of the youth in our communities. We will continue to build on an already solid foundation and with the help of God pursue our objectives and realise our vision.

What we as an organization have achieved thus far has only been made possible with your help and support. We would once gain like to extend an invitation to you to be a “friend” of ours. Your support, monetary and otherwise will make a difference.

We are also boldly using the internet increase our marketing potential. Become a friend on face book, chat with us on twitter, check our website, go to Sangonet.co.za and read about our projects. Click on the prompts and donate to us.

Once again I thank the Board of Management, His Eminence Cardinal Wilfred Napier OFM,  our Parish Priests, the community and the dedicated staff for your continued support. “I look each day at our success and I am glad for I can feel the success of tomorrow in theplanning done today”. 


Fabian Carey.


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